My earliest memory of Richard

Created by Ed 3 years ago

My earliest memory of Richard is from 1999. I was sat at my desk at work on the first floor of building 27, in front of my desk was the wall to the corridoor which was solid up to about head height then glass for the final 2 foot or so to the ceiling. There was a clumping from the wall and when i glanced up i saw a head slowly elevating. It was Richard, with a massive grin on his face and he proceeded to bob up and down and pretend to be going up and down stairs.

He would do silly things like this to get my attention when he wanted to go for a cup of tea, something we must have done thousands of times over the years. I remember he was super happy at the time, which I'm sure was down to Diana. Funnily enough, 20 years later I've reoccupied a desk in the exact same spot.