Celebrating high-days and holidays with the Edwins, Easts & Spearmen

Created by Helen 3 years ago
We have many delightful memories of high days and holidays with you Edwins. We have celebrated birthdays, births, house moves, promotions, holidays, camping trips, househroup lunches, children's parties, church weekends, games nights and always, Richard's pre-birthday curry on December 22nd. Many of these, with the Spearmen. 
I intend to pad out these thoughts (and supply pictures) but by way of word association, here are my initial thoughts of 22yrs+ of celebrations with Richard. (Part un)
Cocoa-pod mulch in Stanton Road (best enjoyed after a rainfall!)
Boxing in "those" pipes in Stanton Road
The Lemon tree
Raclette evenings
The extension grand opening.
Richard's generous help with our 2 patios and painting the ceilings in our current house (again, his height helped!) 
Your move to Ropley Cottage - how perfectly designed it seemed for the good life! Takeaway on your first night.
Pizza oven grand opening. Delicious!
Evenings at The Water Margin
Saying goodbye to the Spearmen in their big NZ adventure and welcoming them back! Porthleven in April 2005.
Garden parties for Diana's birthdays and curry for Richard's.
Really long games of Settlers back in the day.
Housegroup lunches, meetings, church weekends away, rotas, baking for catering rotas. 
Richard being my tea buddy! When everyone else might choose coffee, he would happily put the kettle on for me and him. Often I wouldn’t even need to ask, had appear offering a tea as a welcome.
Richard ‘melting' whenever he cuddled a baby.
His pancakes, chocolate cake, steamed veg, roasts, cooked breakfasts...I could go on!
Family sleepovers at New Year, big breakfasts, walks.
Giving Richard and Diana the hard cryptic crossword clues that we couldn’t work out and standing back to watch the geniuses at work! It once extended a NY sleepover by a couple of hours (another cup of tea?, oh go on then!)  as defeat would not be admitted.
His battle with the bamboo....and the whole family's excitement whenever nesting birds ‘moved in’ to the be observed by the nest box cam.
Our pleasure at growing seeds or bulbs from Ropley Cottage (Meri's purple poppies last year were glorious). Having Richard as our very own ‘Gardener's Question Time’ Expert.
Richard behind a camera, recording and enjoying events through the lens. The beautiful new born shot of X in Richard's hands. 
From Annie – “I like going round for curries. And I remember being so young and Richard did “ round and round the garden” on my hand and I loved it. I remember being in the garden and Meri & I followed the grown ups around the garden for AGES before you noticed! ( we think this was when you were showing us all the beds ) We went to the Spearmen's house once and the Richard took a photo of all the children but none us were looking in the same direction!”
From Tom – “ At New Wine when it was really rainy, me, Richard and Xander made a dam out of mud to stop the rain getting into the tent. I remember making paper aeroplanes with him and Xander at their house. He was really good at them. Some even had stands!”